Typography is a picture of a face thats facing forwards (basically a portrait image), and the persons face covered in a bunch of words. Typography creates a long lasting impact because if you can read the words used it can tell a lot about the person in the portrait. The typography also looks really interesting. Typography images can create a long lasting effect on people because the words that cover the person tells a lot about them or about their past.
For me this project was really hard. I struggled with almost everything. The easiest part was taking my images. This project was really complicated for me. For our teacher typography, I really struggled. I couldn't get my mid tones, shadows and highlights even. I couldn't even get my highlights, mid tones, and shadows. I didn't complete my teacher project on time, but I did get my Innovator project in time. I was able to complete my project because I asked my friends for help. I think the part I had the most trouble was getting enough highlights. I barely had any on my teacher portrait. I needed to adjust my image quite a few times but after I adjusted it enough I finally got it right.
My first example of typography is of Marie Curie. The typography I did of Marie was really simple. The only thing I had trouble on this typography was. My second example is my teacher portrait. This one I had trouble on. As I said in my first paragraph I couldn't get my highlights and mid-tones even. I found out why my mid-tones were uneven and I solved that problem. But my teacher portrait isn't finished yet. My third typography of me wasn't as hard as my teacher typography. The only large problem I had for my ME portrait was changing the colors of my shadows.