Wednesday, March 30, 2016

.MOV Film Festival

Our keywords mostly relate to people that are in high school or are really stressed out. The keywords we have are High school, Fail, Graduate, Stressed, and music. High school relates to the students who are in well, high school and get really stressed out. Especially the seniors who have SAT's, College applications, and senior projects. Next is music. Music helps relieve stress, anger, sadness, or just keeps you in happy mood. 

Our overall lesson is like... Reality. Our film is a spoof on High School Musical and we wanna prove how different high school musical is from high school in real-life (it's obviously really different haha). Like in high school musical 3 (The main movie we're focusing on) they breakout in song when happy, or sad, or mad, whatever they're feeling. Where in real life, when were happy we smile and laugh or whatever,  when we're sad we ignore people or cry, and when we're mad... that's another story, but we don't breakout usually breakout in song. Basically, our message is on how high school isn't what you see in movies.  #Reality.

My team faced multiple challenges like not being able to come up with an idea, but I think the BIGGEST challenge we faced was actually filming. It's easy to set up, get things focused, and prepare our actors but the hardest challenge was getting permission to film at the high school and being available to film. We missed our edit and filming check and lost a point because, well the high school wouldn't allow us to film. We tried to go and film but they said we needed to call ahead of time which made our trip to the high school a bust. I didn't really enjoy this project. Sadly we didn't get anything in our project done.